Eric Deschênes

Sales Representative

Eric has been in the exotic pet industry for decades. Having owned several freshwater and saltwater aquariums as well as many reptiles, his knowledge acquired over the years is very broad. In addition, he has had the good fortune to work in several branches of this industry including aquarium maintenance, pet stores and distribution. Eric has also worked in several departments at Mirdo such as reptiles and fish becoming a loyal and dedicated sales representative.

Patrick Quevillon

Sales Representative

When it comes to the aquarium hobby, Patrick is one of our experts without a doubt. In addition to being passionate about everything related to aquariums, he has developed over time a good knowledge with reptiles, insect reproduction and many other branches of our industry. With over 30 years of experience, he is definitely a reliable source and a representative who is always able to answer your questions.

Kevin Papucciyan

Sales Director

Growing up around his father’s reptile breeding, Kevin fell in love with these beautiful creatures at a very young age. He is still very passionate about animals and is in love with any activity that has to do with nature such as fishing and camping. Having general knowledge in many branches of this industry such as reptiles, freshwater fish and more, Kevin was fit to become a sales representative and is since 2014. He is very dedicated and hard working and has offered his service to Mirdo for more than 10 years, the only company he has ever worked for.

Brian Papucciyan

Reptile Specialist & Production Manager

When it has to do with reptiles and breeding, Brian is the specialist here at Mirdo. Being raised with family ran reptile breeding his love for these animals became a big part of his life at a very young age. He is now running our reptile breeding facility named NBK Reptiles and has been doing so since 2004. He is also taking care of international exports, insect production and more breeding related branches of Mirdo. Hard working and big hearted, Brian has dedicated his life to this business without doubt.

Ayko Comlekcioglu

General Manager

With a degree in architecture, great organization skills and entrepreneurship, Ayko has been an important asset of Mirdo for over 25 years. With hobbies such as camping, hunting and any other types of activities related to the great outdoor, he has a love and respect for nature which is important when working in this industry. As general manager, his experience and devotion has had a great impact on Mirdo’s success over the years.

Nurhan Papucciyan

President & Co-Owner

There is no doubt about it, Nurhan lives with passion. Anything that touches nature such as animals, fishing, gardening and many more are things that he has always loved. Very knowledgeable with anything linked to nature and life, he has always shared his passion to many people like his sons and grand kids. Being a perfectionist and someone that doesn’t know about half measure, he is and has been an important asset of this company that he so calls his family.